Patch 1.02 voor The Last of Us voegt niet alleen wat veranderingen toe aan het multiplayer gedeelte van de game, maar verwijderd ook een aantal telefoonnummers in de game.
Telefoonnummers? Ja, in de game waren een aantal borden met telefoonnummers te zien. Mensen die de nummers voor de grap belden kregen een sekslijn te horen. Naughty Dog had al eerder zijn excuses aangeboden voor de nummers. Door een fout van één van de graphic designers bleken de nummers wel degelijk bereikbaar.Creative director Neil Druckmann:
“That was an artist’s mistake. What happened was, they put some phone numbers in the game and then they thought they could just change the area code to 555, then it’s invalid because it’s what they do in movies. But I guess that doesn’t work when you have a 1-800 in front of it. We’re now working to take it out. It was just an honest mistake.”
Hieronder de patchnotes:Single player: Texture of a phone number on a bulletin board changed (zie verhaal hierboven)Multiplayer
- Host migration has been improved. Losing connection to the host during a migration should occur less often
- General crash when leaving multiplayer fixed
- Intro camera fix for some introductory cut-scenes
- Connectivity issues while playing have been tuned
- If you disconnect or lose connection to the host, you will no longer advance a clan day. You will only advance a day if you are kicked from the match, or exit through the menu.
- Explosion Expert level 2 should be selectable now
- The voting time for match selection has been reduced to 15 seconds
- “No party” playlist options have been added to both Supply Raid and Survivors, players can only join this playlist solo.
- Melee against a downed character now uses the same range as normal melee