Er is weer eens een verkiezing geweest. Deze keer voor Cyber Girl of the Year, deze werd gewonnen door Jo Garcia. Deze Gamegirl heeft inmiddels ook een fotoshoot in de Playboy gehad en is de ster in een aantal WiiFit filmpjes die voor de Playboy fans zijn opgenomen. Want we staan allemaal in ons ondergoed op dat ding te zweten natuurlijk. Op de website hebben ze een telefonisch interview met deze Cyber chick gehouden. Een aantal leuke vragen hebben we eruit gevist, de vragen en antwoorden zijn wel in het Engels.
Jo Garcia: I’ve been gaming since I was really small. My dad was big on it when I was a kid, and he had just about every gaming system you can think of. But, I had Nintendo, Atari, and Coleco as a kid growing up. It was kind of like our daddy-daughter time. He kind of used that as the excuse when buying games. He was like, “Well it’s for the kids,” and we would do that together. So, I’ve been big on it ever since.
Raychul: What are you currently playing?
Jo Garcia: Right now, I’m actually sitting in my room playing Final Fantasy XII. I just saved it. I’m going through some of the sidequests right now. You’re chasing a bird around, looking for birds in different parts of a board, different worlds, different little cities, and you have to get them to all come back home. Which is stupid, because it has nothing to do with the game, but when you do the little sidequests, it gives you weapons and stuff…. I’m playing that on my PlayStation 2, and I’m playing Final Fantasy Core Crisis on my PSP.
Raychul: What’s it been like being Cyber Playmate of the Year? Did you ever expect to be in this spot?
Jo Garcia: No, honestly, I didn’t! It was a really big shock, because the way they usually do it is based on the votes. So, your Cyber Club members are the ones that are deciding your fate. And then, combined with the editors and the photographers and all the people at Playboy, it’s one big decision. So, I was just honored to have won.
Haar WiiFit filmpjes kun je bewonderen op de website van
De rest van het interview en een aantal foto’s kun je op de website van vinden.